What, you ask, is that? Well, gentle reader, check out my new place in Valencia, where I am an arrendatario, or renter! After my experience with the visa, I was prepared for the worst, but what actually happened
was surprising serene. I was pleased when the contracting was a relatively short and painless process… Whew!
See below for realtor pix. Better ones may be provided if I get internet service in a timely manner!
Lovely! Enjoy your new home.
Thanks! Now, pack your bags and come visit!!!
WOW very impressive. A home at last!!!
I know! All I have to do is figure out Internet and technology connections, and I will be good to go!!
This is beautiful, I love the big windows!!
Me, too! That was what sold me!
Really pretty, Christopher! Is that a full-size oven I see? And a washing machine?? I can’t wait to see your pictures. Happy settling in! Miss you …. e
Yes, all the creature comforts of home! Yay!
Love it – it’s beautiful. Can’t wait to come visit.
Book your ticket now! Can’t wait to show you around!
I am so impressed Christopher! The apartment is so modern and complete! It looks wonderful. Now get those dishes/sheets/and personal items out and make it your home! Can’t wait to visit. hey-so what is close to walk to? That’s the real question!
Good luck with your technology endeavors!
Thanks! I am slowly, but surely, getting everything accomplished. This has been an interesting exercise in many disciplines, especially that of “poco a poco”, or little by little. It’s going to happen, but it will not be on my timetable all the time. To have an apartment, my luggage, friends, a visa, and residency approval in Valencia is a major tour de force in anyone’s book!