Picpost: Valencia Still Surprises Me

Picpost: Valencia Still Surprises Me

To be honest, I have no idea why this happened. Behold, Gentle Readers, at one of the surprises I captured out of the window of my flat. Really, stranger things have happened, but I have found that this city still surprises me. Sure, the occasional bang of fireworks...

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A Year and a Half

A Year and a Half

Strange as it may seem, I have been in Valencia for a year and a half. When I arrived, I really did not know what to expect of my new life here, and have been through some adventures of both the good-fun kind and the good-terrifying kind. Living in another country has...

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Carcasonne is Calling

Carcasonne is Calling

According to my friends, it's very popular to travel over Easter weekend, since there are so many bank holidays surrounding the actual event. That's how I got the opportunity to visit Carcasonne, France, with a group of friends. This, gentle reader, is definitely an...

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Bad Weather but Good Humor

Bad Weather but Good Humor

Gentle reader, I must admit that it has been pretty darn cold here in Valencia, and even moreso in the northern regions of Spain. Yes, yes, I know that there are lots of places that are much colder in the States and other regions of Europe, but for the few months that...

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Neighborhood Oranges

Neighborhood Oranges

There are several parks surrounding my apartment, and one behind my flat has a playground in the middle. This is a great place to relax and enjoy the orange trees that are planted along the streets here. As I noted in an earlier post, the non-edible oranges throughout...

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